Will IdeaSquare@CERN, EASN and ESA now build together a high-speed aircraft? Absolutely not, our respective focus are Challenge Based Innovation in high tech environments, Aviation and Space Research respectively.
However we are interested in educating the next-generation of scientists and engineers as part of our missions. Our common interest lies in new collaborative platforms and we looked for an educational and collaborative initiative with a strong engineering component. Students are the main executors under expert supervision and the collaborative platform is open to all institutions willing to participate as well as open to the outside world.
What are the roles of IdeaSquare@CERN, EASN and ESA?
IdeaSquare@CERN is in charge of the development of the successive versions of the collaborative platform as well as to stimulate its use based on its user-friendliness. EASN’s role is to steer their network of Universities in integrating the use of the collaborative platform into their curricula. ESA is sharing on an ad-hoc basis their expertise in running multi-dimensional technological projects in aerospace.
In case you have a technical question on the use of the collaborative platform, please contact Jani or Oday at IdeaSquare@CERN: jani.kalasniemi@cern.ch , oday.darwich@cern.ch
In case you have an overall question on the initiative, please contact Romain at IdeaSquare@CERN: r.muller@cern.ch